The price of gold and silver has once again witnessed an increase today (Wednesday). According to the India Bullion and Jewellers Association, as compared to Tuesday, the morning of July 12, 2023, saw a rise in the prices of gold and silver. The price of 24-carat pure gold, which was Rs. 58,866 per 10 grams the previous evening, has now reached Rs. 58,887 in the morning. In the Indian bullion market today, on July 12, 2023, there has been an upward trend in the prices of gold and silver. The price of gold has crossed Rs. 58,000 per 10 grams, whereas the price of silver is more than Rs. 70,000 per kilogram. The national-level price for 10 grams of 24-carat gold with a purity of 999 is Rs. 58,887, while the price of 999 purity silver is Rs. 70,880.

According to the India Bullion and Jewellers Association, the price of 24-carat pure gold in the evening on Tuesday was Rs. 58,866 per 10 grams, which has now reached Rs. 58,887 in the morning. Similarly, based on purity, the prices of gold and silver have increased.

What are the prices of gold and silver today? According to the official website, the price of 10 grams of 995 purity gold has increased to Rs. 58,651 in the morning. Meanwhile, 22-carat gold is priced at Rs. 53,941 today. In addition, 18-carat gold with 750 purity is priced at Rs. 44,165. Similarly, 14-carat gold with 585 purity has become expensive and is now priced at Rs. 34,449. Furthermore, one kilogram of 999 purity silver is priced at Rs. 70,880 today.